As the singular female who ranked as high as the Five Elders, ‘Ng Mui’ escaped the fires of Shaolin and the merciless Manchu soldiers, to the neighboring Canton province. After finalizing the methods and techniques of her newly created, nameless system, she honored it after the Wing Chun Hall back in Shaolin where the Five Elders held debates and conclusions regarding martial arts not so long ago.
(more…)History of Shaolin and Wing Chun Part 2
March 5, 2019
After seeing the combined advantages of a wide range of styles, a charismatic elder had established the principle to primarily focus on lower body combative techniques, executing a wide range of kicks, avoiding close range combat with swift footwork in the northern temple.
(more…)History of Shaolin Part 1
March 5, 2019
Linked back into the vibrant past, some 1500 years ago in ancient China to the modern world of today, if one mentions the name, Wu-Shu, Karate, Taekwondo, Wu-Tang, Tai Chi, Judo, or even Wing Chun, each of these distinct martial arts can be clearly traced back to the two Shaolin Temples of the Henan and Fujian provinces.